Get TENS of MILLIONS of footprints & models for FREE!
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Anthem, AZ - PCB Libraries, an industry leader in CAD library development, automation, and management, just released a major improvement to its free Library Expert - build as many 3D STEP models as you want. What before only generated free, unlimited footprints, now also creates 3D models - for tens of millions of parts!
The Library Expert Lite supports 180 different Standard component families. If you’re still using massive, old libraries with obsolete parts, switch to something far more nimble and robust, it costs absolutely nothing:
Extra features:
Design Spark, DIP Trace, Eagle, KiCad, McCAD, OrCAD Layout, OrCAD PCB, P-CAD, PADS,
Pantheon, Proteus, Pulsonix, Solo PCB, TARGET 3001!, Ultiboard, Xpedition
- User selectable material condition for Least, Nominal or Maximum dimensions
- User controls the Body, Lead and Polarity color assignment (when different than default)
- User definable lead length for all through-hole parts

“If you’re not automating, someone else is. This is a 3D model revolution in the PCB library and design industry as the possibilities are endless,” said Tom Hausherr, CEO of PCB Libraries. You can create footprints and 3D models from simple component dimensions for tens of millions of parts, all compatible with every CAD or CAM tool – right on your desktop. At absolutely no cost.
For more information, visit
About PCB Libraries™
PCB Libraries solutions streamline and automate significant parts of the PCB design process with its CAD LEAP™ (Libraries Enhanced with Automated Preferences) technology, which supports 23 CAD formats with Footprints, 3D STEP models, and (coming soon) Schematic Symbols. PCB Libraries also offers a database of over 1 million intelligent parts which can be batch-updated with dozens of user-defined settings (rotation, pad shapes, tolerance, line widths, etc). PCB Libraries is led by veteran technologists in pursuit of automating PCB library development and management, and offers library solutions that have been adopted by many leaders of electronic product design and development all over the world.