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PCB Libraries, Inc. (PCBL) - End User License Agreement
Updated on January 1, 2020

I understand that PCBL offers no assurance, warranty, promise or guarantee with this download. What I am about to download is not necessarily error-free. It is my personal responsibility to verify accuracy, and I agree that I will download and/or use at my OWN risk. I will not hold PCBL liable for damages arising from my use or inability to use the downloaded material, nor from my verification, modification, or acceptance of the same for any reason, even if I follow recommendations posted on the PCBL website or get guidance via email from PCBL representatives.

PCBL reserves the right to modify this license at any time. When significant updates to this agreement are made, PCBL will attempt to email any updates to the email used to purchase PCBL product(s). I do not assume that I have a right to use the software in any specific way other than how stated in this license. If I am unsure about the licensing and/or use or intended use of this software in any way, I will contact PCBL ( immediately to address any question and help clarify. It is my personal responsibility to ensure compliance.

I understand this license is made available to me in its current state at no additional cost.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona, USA. I hereby irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Phoenix, Arizona, in any action arising out of or related to this Agreement, and waive any other venue to which I might be entitled by domicile or otherwise.

I agree to not provide or make available any product or service from PCBL to any individual or entity restricted by the United States Government on the Denied Persons List, or any individual or entity in a country with a United States trade embargo. The countries with a U.S. trade embargo currently include (but may change) Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, or Syria. I agree that my use of anything related with PCBL will be in full compliance with any local and/or foreign government regulations, as applicable.

© 2012-2023 PCB Libraries, Inc.

  I Decline I Accept the EULA