NOTE: The OrCAD Layout output is obsolete and no longer supported.
If you still have use of this significantly outdated CAD format, it is available as is, with no guarantee it will work. No updates will be made other than to generic Footprint Expert features not specific to this CAD format - which may eventually break compatibility to this CAD format. It is made available at a discounted cost solely for the purpose of making the current CAD format available in its current state to customers who have not yet upgraded to a newer CAD program.
(please read carefully)- Purchase of previous PCB Footprint Expert license is required
- Appropriate Upgrade Option must be selected (see below)
Upgrading from older versions
Maintenance you purchase will commence from when it expired, or you had access to a purchased version. If you are purchasing maintenance for a Footprint Expert license for which maintenance expired more than 6 months ago, please contact us or your local distributor for pricing.