PCB Libraries User Registration

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Username:    (public / forum name)
Email: confirm Email...  
Password: confirm Password...  
7 - 14 characters, must have 3 of these: Uppercase, Lowercase, Number, and/or Symbol .!?@#$%&+
Purpose of Registration:
   optional: Help us identify where we to focus our attention. What brings you here?
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If you are in the United States, enter your address information for a chance to get a completely free Footprint Expert Enterprise license! We mailed out details and licenses to hundreds.
  CAD Tools:

Other CAD Tool:


NOTE: To qualify for a fully functional Footprint Expert evaluation license, you need to specify CAD formats (on left), and provide your contact details.
Interested in...   Footprints   3D Models  
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Please call or email me, I have questions and/or would like more information
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