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Silkscreen Outside Courtyard

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Category: PCB Footprint Expert
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Printed Date: 12 Mar 2025 at 12:06am

Topic: Silkscreen Outside Courtyard
Posted By: Evenkeel
Subject: Silkscreen Outside Courtyard
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2012 at 1:59pm
Not sure if this is an issue or 'feature' but it appears that the silkscreen can lie outside of the courtyard boundary.

1)  Using brand new UserPreferences.dat (Terminal environment is set to LEAST).
2)  Open provided FPE.fpx library
3)  Select Resistor, Chip / RESC1005X38 footprint
4)  Select Drafting tab.  Note that Map Silkscreen Outline to Body is at MAX, and Map Assembly Outline to Body is at MAX.

Also, note that although the location of the silk screen centerline is less than the courtyard centerline when one applies the silkscreen width rules, the silk would be printed outside the courtyard boundaries as defined by the courtyard centerline.

Is the intention of the courtyard dimension such that all footprint elements will be contained within its boundary?

Running V2012.36 on Win7 X64.



Posted By: Tom H
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2012 at 8:51am
I put in a request to add a new feature to make the courtyard centerline at least 0.01 mm bigger than the silkscreen centerline to compensate when the user changes the silkscreen to pad rule or the silkscreen line width.
This new rule will override the IPC-7351 default placement courtyard excess rule.

Posted By: Tom H
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2012 at 8:33am
I just got word from the programmers that this issue will not be fixed until mid-January 2013.
So hang in there and we'll be in touch.

Posted By: Evenkeel
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2012 at 12:22pm
Not until _next_ year???


Ok ... I can work around it for now.

Might want them to look at the courtyard for the RESC0502X50 standard part.  On mine, it appears that the Centroid Marker extends beyond the Body-defined courtyard.  I'm guessing that the small 0502 part body is larger than the standard centroid marker used in the program.

Just an FYI

Posted By: Tom H
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2012 at 12:37pm
Yes, it's not an easy fix to update every component family in the program to handle every silksceen outline scenario with various line widths and pad to silkscreen rules.
It's a big update and we're ready to release V37 tomorrow with all known bugs fixed (except this one).
As far as the Centroid Marker for the smallest package in the world, there is a button to turn off the centroid marker for that 1 part. It's in the Drafting Tab.

Posted By: Evenkeel
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2012 at 1:52pm
I figured it was not an easy task to account for the possible interactions of all the rules and widths.  But that's why the programmers get paid the big bucks Smile

The centroid marker only caught my attention when I did a batch export of various resistor sizes and noticed the smallest ... I had the same issue when I was 'manually' creating them using data from the LPCWizard.  So, rather than eliminate the centroid marker, I just edited the line length after importing it into Eagle.

Thanks for the updates.

Posted By: lalexman
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2013 at 9:59am

On small components the vertical or horizontal lines of the cross-hair exceed the courtyard outline. This caused placement errors where there are no placement errors. Is it possible make the crosshairs not exceed the courtyard outline ?

Posted By: Jeff.M
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2013 at 12:19pm
Will change the size not to exceed half the smaller courtyard side.

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Posted By: lalexman
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2013 at 12:31pm

Thanks Jeff!

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