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Multiplatform Libraries

Printed From: PCB Libraries Forum
Category: Libraries
Forum Name: Footprints / Land Patterns
Forum Description: [General or a CAD specific issues / discussions]
Printed Date: 08 Feb 2025 at 5:56pm

Topic: Multiplatform Libraries
Posted By: PCBEE
Subject: Multiplatform Libraries
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2012 at 9:09am
Hello all.

I need to create a corporate library that can handle multiple platforms such as Allegro, PADS, Altium, and Cadstar.  I'm perfectly willing to buy a library wizard for each type of platform, but what's the best way to tie them all together to one master list, or broken into a couple master lists that can be used to keep track of everything and controlled?

I need to make a list of parts that have the component description, part number of 2-3 vendors where to get from, and the footprint name to be used.  The total number of parts would be about 2,500 components.

This seems to be a database application?  I'm trying to visualize how such a library would work.  Surely there are places that use multiple platforms.  Are there any app notes here that address this challenge?  Or anyone have ideas how to do this?

We're a manufacturer planning to get ISO certified next year and I'm the lotto winner to fix this. 

Posted By: Nick B
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2012 at 9:39am
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. We have the perfect solution:
Level I - FREE
The free Footprint Expert allows you to verify, browse, search, and QC parts
Level II - Librarian Option
Add, edit, save FPX data files that the have component information. Includes Level I.
Level III - CAD Output
Allows user to output to a CAD tool, direct import or importable format (depends on CAD format), as well as all features of Level I & II.
More details are available in the" rel="nofollow - product presentation , I highly recommend you peruse it and ask us any questions. We have some BIG plans for the Footprint Expert, some of which are currently being implemented, and now with this low price, it is the best time to start.

Posted By: Nick B
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2012 at 9:49am
Here's a high-level flow of how the Footprint Expert works...
If you haven't seen the" rel="nofollow - Footprint Expert Presentation yet, please do and let us know if you have questions.

Posted By: PCBEE
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2012 at 11:21am
That's how I found you guys.  Smile  It looked like you may have a solution.  Thank you for the graphics and reply.  Time to study this and come up with any questions.

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