Footprint Expert
Source 1
Source 2


AUTO-GENERATED library parts use predefined or user-modified rules
– share across your organization;
RULES-based, auto-generated part library
CREATED by many different people, using countless rules – results in a board with
inconsistently built parts, far more prone to introduction of costly errors; massive
variations in parts inconducive to standardized rule-based library
Built to exact datasheet specification, either Metric or Mils
Units vary based on source, and Metric often
converted from Mils with rounded-off measurements; converting pin pitch often results in
leads not fully centered on pads
User-defined consistency of line widths for all parts
Many different line widths used across different footprints due to
lack of standard rules
Accurate contour courtyards are auto generated
Sloppy or non-existing contour
Relevant data:
Footprint Name, Physical and Logical Descriptions, datasheet link, and more
Nothing, or inconsistent random data
Auto-generated keep outs on all non-plated holes for copper poly shapes,
traces and vias
Missing keep-out will cause DRC errors at the manufacturer if copper, traces,
and vias are placed within 0.25 mm of the non-plated hole
Pin 1 polarity markers for silkscreen and assembly
Pin 1 markings missing or vary in shape and in size
Footprint Origin at center of gravity
Footprint Origins randomly placed
Uniform, silkscreen outlines are whole objects mapped to the maximum package dimensions
Silkscreen is fragmented and mapped to the nominal package
Clear, consistent, intelligently placed markings to minimizes
use of board space
and extra markings and excessive courtyards requires more placement space
Consistent silkscreen trimming around all pads
Inconsistent and random silkscreen
trimming around pads
Solder Mask swell auto-applied and configurable
Inconsistent solder mask swell from one footprint to another
Through-hole pad stack hole sizes automatically
defined by maximum terminal lead diameter, and pad size auto-calculated
by 1.5 x hole diameter
Lack of published, consistent rules to define through-hole
pad stacks make it impossible for proper quality control of resulting
footprint, results in
capriciously calculated footprints
Non-plated holes have smaller pad sizes to prevent
copper slivers after drilling process
holes have a pad size equal to the hole size create risk of copper slivers after the drilling process; the plane antipad is randomly defined with
no obvious rules