Hi all,
I am currently working on an easy and consistent way to set up our new parts library. At the moment I am evaluating the Library Expert which I hope to utilize to create the majority of the footprints by simply downloading the parts from the POD.
After downloading, I export the footprints according to their PCBL name with a "_LE" suffix to distinguish them from the few footprints that were created manually and add them to the footprint library.
Now I was wondering if it makes sense to store the footprints by the manufacturer + internal case code instead of the PCBL name. My thoughts are:
- When reviewing the component, it is easier to check that the correct footprint has been assigned. When using the name created by the LE tool, one would have to open the Library Expert tool, find the component, check the name of the footprint and compare it with the footprint assigned to the component in the library. When using the manufacturer's case code, one would only have to check the case code in the datasheet (which is opened anyway during the review).
- When using the PCBL name, different parts in the POD from different manufacturers may end up with the same PCBL name but different footprints (due to manufacturer's recommended pad dimensions). I assume the manufacturer + case code is unique (except for some rare exceptions like this one https://www.pcblibraries.com/Forum/beware-of-ti-case-code-package-dimensions_topic2329.html" rel="nofollow - https://www.pcblibraries.com/Forum/beware-of-ti-case-code-package-dimensions_topic2329.html )
Am I missing something? Are there any other pro's or con's? Would there be a way to batch-create the footprints from an *.fpx using the manufacturer + case code as name?
Best regards,