The Chip Package is the most widely used in the electronics
industry. Chip components have an average of 80% of the total parts on a
typical PCB assembly. Here is an image of the average chip terminal lead form. 
Let’s compare the differences between IPC-J-STD-001 and
IPC-7351B standards.
IPC-J-STD-001 uses 3 classes to define solder joint goal
acceptability for various electronic products.
General Electronic Products
Includes products suitable for applications where the major
requirement is function of the completed assembly. Toys
Dedicated Service Electronic Products
Includes products where continued performance and extended
life is required, and for which uninterrupted service is desired but not
critical. Typically, the end-use environment would not cause failures.
Computers & Phones
High Performance Electronic Products
Includes products where continued high performance or
performance-on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot be tolerated,
end-use environment may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must function
when required, such as life support or other critical systems. Military &
IPC-J-STD-001 defines the requirements for electronic
assemblies. Land pattern footprint pad sizes and locations play a significant
role in meeting these requirements. The IPC-7351 guideline falls under
J-STD-001 to define the solder joint goals for Toe, Heel and Side values and
the land pattern and pad stack naming conventions.
The footprint pad size is determined by the terminal lead
size, the terminal lead tolerances, the manufacturing tolerances for
fabrication and assembly and the Toe, Heel and Side solder joint goals as
defined in the IPC-7351 guideline.
The Toe solder joint goal is the most important for the Chip
Terminal Lead and the J-STD-001 Minimum Fillet Height for a Chip Component for
the Toe Goal is:
The F
dimension for Toe Fillet for Class 1 & Class 2 Fabrication is:
- Wetting is evident on the vertical surface of the component
The F
dimension for Toe Fillet for Class 3 Fabrication is:
- (G) + 25%
(H) or (G) + 0.5 mm, whichever is less
Example: For Class 3, let’s say that the 0805 Chip Capacitor
is 4.00 mm height. 25% of 4 = 1.00 mm. But the IPC-J-STD-001 standard says the
0.50 mm is an acceptable solder fillet height because it’s less than 1.00 mm.
But what about an 01005 chip resistor with a 0.13 mm height? Using a 0.075
stencil thickness, J-STD-001 recommends a Toe fillet of (G) 0.07 + 25% (H) 0.03
mm = 0.10 mm. But (G) is actually less than 0.05 mm after reflow. 
If the Toe pad length is too long, there will be excessive
solder. When going into a reflow oven, if there is excessive solder and pin 1
hits the heat first, the excessive solder will melt and pull the chip up into a
tombstone position. To eliminate tombstoning, the pad Toe must not exceed the
J-STD-001 requirements.
Here are the IPC-7351B tables for all chip packages including
Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes, Inductors, Antennas, Ferrite Beads, Filters,
Fuses, LED’s, Thermistors and Varistors for 3 density levels, Most, Nominal and
Least pad size.
Note that for all chips longer than a 0603, the Nominal Toe
value is 0.35 mm for 0603, 0805, 1206, 1210, 1812, 2010 and 2512, regardless of
their height. And for every chip package less than 0603 the Nominal Toe value
is 0.20 for 03015, 01005, 0201 and 0402. Also note that the difference between
density levels for chips larger than 0603 is +/- 0.20 mm for Most and Least density
levels and chips smaller than 0603 have a +/- 0.10 mm difference between Most
and Least density levels.
PCB Libraries, Inc. has a philosophy that every chip size
should have a unique Toe value that is aligned with J-STD-001 mathematical
model for the acceptable solder joint.
Here is a table for the default values in Library Expert,
but all of these settings are user definable to best meet your assembly
attachment requirements. Also note that there is a +/- 0.10 mm between Most and
Least density levels for all chips. 
PCB Libraries, Inc. refers to this concept as “Incremental
Pad Stacks” for the sole purpose of achieving the best solder joint goals in
the assembly process. You can download the entire Library Expert Solder Joint
Goals Excel spreadsheet here –" rel="nofollow -
or if you’re using Library Expert, the Excel spreadsheet is on your computer in
this folder - C:\Program Files (x86)\PCB Libraries\Library Expert
2019\Documents\Library Expert Solder Joint Goal Tables.xlsx
Note that there are negative values for some Heel and Side
solder joints. This is to compensate for the Fabrication and Assembly Tolerances
(approximately 0.04 to 0.05 mm) in the IPC-7351 mathematical model. The
Fabrication and Assembly Tolerances have been part of the IPC mathematical
model since 1987. In the past 33 years, the fabrication and assembly processes
have been improved so much that these tolerances are no longer applicable to
todays advanced machines. Also, most fabrication shops swell the outer layers
to compensate for their etching process. Adding an additional fabrication tolerance
to the pad size calculation is a “Double (duplicate) Tolerance” and is unnecessary.
We recommended that the Fabrication and Assembly Tolerances
be turned off to 0.00 and all negative solder joint goals also be turned to
0.00. This would give the user much better control of the pad stack calculation.
But this is an individual choice that every company must make on their own. We
hope that the unreleased IPC-7351C will make this adjustment to the
mathematical model.
It’s also important to note that Lead Solder flows much
better than Lead-Free Solder. Here is an image of a chip with lead solder. You
can visually see that the solder flows from the pad Toe up the side of the chip
terminal. Also note that the pad Heel is 0.00 and flush with the chip terminal.

Here is an image of chips using Lead-Free solder. Most of
the solder just stays on the pad and does not flow up the side of the chip terminal
lead like Lead Solder. Also, this example illustrates excessive pad Toe. This consumes
important PCB real estate, wastes solder and does nothing to add to the solder
joint quality. 
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