All solder joint goal default values for Toe, Heel and Side
are best industry guidelines derived from IPC-J-STD-001 Standard for Assembly
Acceptability. The calculator mathematical model for land pattern calculation
is derived from IPC-7351, which uses the Terminal Lead Tolerance, a
Manufacturing Tolerance and the default Solder Joint Goals derived from
IPC-J-STD-001 (not IPC-7351). If you want to use the IPC-7351B solder joint
goals, then you should select the IPC-7351B_DefaultPreferences.dat Preference
file and then save as your personal Preference file to edit all the Drafting
Outlines, Rules and Pad Shapes. In the new upcoming V2020 of Library Expert, we
will drop the Manufacturing Tolerance to 0.00 as this only has a slight impact
on the resulting pad size. But the user can add the Manufacturing Tolerance back
if you want to use it. Also, all negative solder joint goals will be changed to
0.00 as the negative values were created to compensate for the Manufacturing
Note: The Library Expert default values have been
used to create millions of land patterns worldwide without any complaints from
any user. We believe that the values provide best industry practice for pad
size and spacing calculations. However, every user, has the opportunity to
change any of the solder joint goal values for toe, heel and side, the
manufacturing tolerances and the terminal lead tolerance to calculate a land
pattern that best fits their unique assembly process. We urge all Library
Expert users to consult with your assembly shop to evaluate all the numbers
that they need for the best package attachment to the PCB.
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