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- Calculator:
- User Definable Silkscreen and Assembly Polarity Marking Shapes
(Dot, Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Plus, Line, Arc, Diode Symbol)" rel="nofollow"> - Silkscreen and Assembly Polarity Marking user controllable features
- Size
- Filled or not filled
- Location
- Rotation
- Line Width
- Ability to select and change existing polarity shape
- Ability to delete the marking
- Keep-outs
- Shapes: Round, Square, Rectangle
- Layers: Top or All
- Restrictions: Placement and Height, Trace, Copper Pour, Via, Test Point
- Controls: Size, Location
- Lib Expert Help:
- Updated Video Training & Text
FIXED / ENHANCED: - Calculator:
- Fixed Tabbing through cells. There is a new “Required” input button that only tabs through required dimension cells.
- Fixed an issue with TO (DPAK) when the thermal tab is recessed under the body
- Component families with Thermal Tabs – The D2 and E2 dimensions were relocated from the Max to the Nom cell
- Mounting Hole component family – fixed an error message that was thrown when creating satellite vias
- Preferences:
- Added: Drafting > Silkscreen > Auto-generate Pin 1 Indicator Line
(this new feature allows the user to turn on/off the Pin 1 Line)
- Allegro / OrCAD PCB:
- Fixed an issue in FP Designer that was causing Solder Mask off-setting to fail
- All parts and complex pad stacks now have a ‘zoom fit’ at the end of their script so they can be easily seen upon reopening, if built on a large Allegro workspace
- Expedition:
- Fixed a problem with Complex Pad Stack Offsets when using Direct Import
- Fixed bugs that were causing slotted holes to import improperly as rectangles and have an improper rotation
- 3D STEP:
- PTH Radial – Added the capability for rectangular leads if the family supports them. This fixes an issue that was found in the Radial LED family and expands the potential scope of the other Radial Lead component families.
- Shrouded and Receptacle Vertical Headers now output proper 3D Models
- General:
- Lengthened the 3D UI box so it fully displays under Medium Fonts
- Fixed courtyard outline by splitting the shapes into separate entities
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