Greg, Excellent question! The entire pad trimming under low profile Gull Wing components started when I took a J-STD-001 training class and the teacher pointed out this table 7-7 and Note 4 regarding the Heel Fillet - So we created the "K" dimension for the IPC-7351 standard to sync with J-STD-001. The problem was that we didn't read the entire line that states not to extend pads for "Component Leads Made of Alloy 42". So we added a new feature to the LP Calculator thinking that we were saving the world from under body solder joint short circuits, but the fact is no one ever reported an assembly problem with pads under component body. As a matter of fact, by trimming the pads under component bodies we actually removed solder from the heel (which 70% of the solder joint strength is derived). Here is the reality of this issue - The pad under the component body has paste mask applied. When the board goes through the oven, the solder melts and the component body slightly falls on the solder and pushes it toward the component lead to form a greater Heel Joint. The solder never wanders under the component package to create a solder bridge regardless of the pin pitch value. At our last IPC-7351C meeting at IPC headquarters in Bannockburn, IL, Dieter Bergman presented the question "What proof did we have that there was ever a problem with pads (lands) under components?" and we did not have any clear answer. Therefore we were asked by IPC to eliminate this feature from any new PCB footprint calculators that we develop. So we decided that the new IPC calculator will still have the "Trim Pad" feature but the "K" dimension (which is now going to be the "A1" dimension in the new tool) value will be set to zero "0", which means that feature is turned off, but users can edit the value if they choose to continue to Trim Pads. A lot of new information came out of our last meeting and I will be posting all of it here in this forum over the next 2 months. Please download the PDF presentation, read it and ask questions regarding the upcoming changes and I will answer every one of them with additional detailed information.