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T/H Radial Disk - 2 types same names

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Topic: T/H Radial Disk - 2 types same names
Posted By: O.Mueller
Subject: T/H Radial Disk - 2 types same names
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2013 at 10:30pm
Hi all,

I have made 2 different Radial Disk components with the same size but one has a pad offset, the other not. But the program give me the same component names.

How we can handle this ?

The other confused thing is that i will create a varistor component and i have only the choice for capacitor and fuse as subtype.

Regards Olaf

uploads/2392/CAPRB_err.fpx" rel="nofollow - uploads/2392/CAPRB_err.fpx

Posted By: Tom H
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2013 at 12:19pm
The IPC-7351 Land Pattern (Footprint) Naming Convention standard does not cover Offset Leaded Components.
My recommendation is to rename the Footprint to MfrName_MfrPartNumber
I believe this will be the new worldwide naming convention anyway by the year 2015 as the component manufacture's continue to make unique component packages and the IPC-7351 Naming Convention only covers 50% of all the packages in the industry today.
This is why PCB Libraries, Inc. developed the FP Designer for non-standard parts and the Footprint naming convention is MfrName_MfrPartNumber

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Posted By: O.Mueller
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2013 at 11:27pm
Hello Tom,

why we have a section "Radial (Disk with Offset Leads)" in the program if it is not supported by the IPC ? It's a little bit confused.

Regards Olaf

Posted By: Tom H
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2013 at 6:29am
None of the Through-hole component families are officially supported by IPC.
The IPC-7251 publication is not released and offset lead radial parts are not in it yet.
The IPC-7251 for through-hole is supposed to be released by March 2014 but we haven't introduced it to the 1-3 Land Pattern Subcommittee yet. When we do, I'll mention the Offset Lead Radial parts.
In the meantime, do you have a recommended Footprint Name that I can introduce to IPC?

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Posted By: madaun
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2013 at 10:34am
Tom, Our group is standardizing our footprints, padstacks, and schematic symbols. We decided to follow the IPC 7351 Land Pattern naming convention since the Library Expert and LP Wizard default to those. Are you recommending all footprints follow MfrName_MfrPartNumber or only non-standard parts?

Posted By: Tom H
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2013 at 12:18pm
Good question!
I've been in the PCB library industry since 1981 when I built every footprint in the electronics industry on Computervision CAD tool. It was less than 5,000 unique packages but they were all JEDEC "Standard" packages except the connectors were all 100 mil pitch. Sold the first libraries on magnetic tape.
Today there are over 100 times that many (500,000) unique packages of which 50% are connectors or non-standard packages and this category has been growing steady.
I like the IPC-7351 Land Pattern Naming Convention. But we are opening "Parts on Demand" (POD) website this weekend and there will be 200,000 unique mfr. Part Numbers to kick it off and we're adding 5,000 new Part Numbers every day. We were forced to introduce 3 new modifiers in the Land Pattern names - Gull Wing Terminal Tolerance, BGA Ball Size, Thermal Tab Size in order to reduce the duplication in Land Pattern Names where the component dimensions were identical but the lead tolerances, ball sizes and thermal tab sizes are all over the map and produce different footprint results.
So component packages used to be 100% standard and now they are 50% standard and in the future the standard package % could go down if history is a measurement of a trend. So my personal belief is that by the year 2016, ALL footprint names will be switched over to MfrName_MfrPartNumber to have a 100% consistent naming convention. However, this will introduce major duplication because Texas Instruments has 8,000 different Part Numbers that all use the same SOP 8-pin package.
I don't see a problem because libraries will either be free or very inexpensive and available on demand and memory space will be plentiful. The average hard disk drive in 2016 will be 2TB minimum. I already have three 2TB drives.
It's better to associate your footprint names with the mfr. part number to totally eliminate errors and duplication because the IPC-7351 naming convention was intended to handle "Standard Packages", but these will be in the minority in a couple years.

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