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Schematic symbol library

Printed From: PCB Libraries Forum
Category: General
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Printed Date: 19 Feb 2025 at 9:56pm

Topic: Schematic symbol library
Posted By: Bones
Subject: Schematic symbol library
Date Posted: 12 Jun 2013 at 9:31am
I am in the process of switching CAD systems and in doing so need to start a new CAD library from scratch. Thanks to the many years of using PCB libraries and its related entities I am set for rules on PCB decal creation. However I am looking for a good set of general guidelines to use in creating and maintaning a Schematic library. Does anyone have any suggestions on sources of information on this topic? The new CAD system is Mentor Expedition using the DX Designer flow.

Posted By: matthelm
Date Posted: 14 Jun 2013 at 9:40am
You should create a spec for your symbols.

1. Decide on the "size" of you symbols.  The company I am at has readability issues at 1:1 plots.  For PDF prints, it doesn't really matter, as you can zoom all you wish, and you can also search for text inside the PDF.  Of course the bigger the symbols the less you can have on one sheet.  You define min and max for all features.

2. If you will be using DxDataBook or DMS, and plan on showing different properties on different typs of symbols, plan on placing different types of symbols in different partitions.  Plan on visible properties WAY ahead of time, so your symbols have locations for them if visible.  If using DxDataBook, plan you properties out, and watch out naming properties System properties, unless they match that function.  Invisible properties that someone might turn on (cap voltage if normally off) should also have placeholders.

3. Decide if you want "NC" (no connect) pins on your symbols.  (Dx symbols support NC pins on the part, so you don't NEED them on the symbol)

4. Decide which features of DX you will use for your symbols.  (Vectored pins, Implicit vs. Explicit power pins, etc.)

Hope this helps, and feel free to agree or disagree with me, or ask more questions.  ;-)

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