The plan is to break down every component manufacturer's part number and associate it with this information - - Component Package Family
- Component Package Dimensions
- Footprint Name
- Physical Description
- Mfr. Case Code
- Mfr. Name
- Mfr. Logical Part Number
- Mfr. Logical Description
- Mfr. Logical Datasheet Link
When you download FPX files from the "Parts on Demand" (POD) website, they will include all of this information. Say you have a BOM with 50 new parts that need to be built. To search the POD website, download all 50 parts. Import them into PCB Library Expert. Batch create all 50 Footprints and their respective 3D STEP model (which has the same Footprint Name, Rotation and Origin). The parts will be free download in the beginning, but volunteers all over the world will upload their FPX files and receive "Credits" to download other parts created by other people. If you do not upload any parts, you can still purchase FPX files for as little as $1 each. The secret is that the FPX file contains the Component Package Dimensions and the PCB Library Expert allows the user creates their own set of "Preferences" to auto generate customized library parts that meet your requirements and rules. Eventually, we hope to have over 50 million mfr. part numbers available for download on POD. This will greatly accelerate the library creation and library documentation processes for search & finding existing parts in your library and immediately knowing which parts you already have and which parts you need to download and add to your PCB library collection. In the future, if you ever change any of your User Preference Rules, you can simply Batch Create your entire library over from scratch. Or if you want to create multiple sets of Rules for Flexible Circuits, Wave Solder, Least, Nominal or Most environments, you can create and maintain multiple libraries with ease. If you use multiple CAD tools, you can output the same exact library rules to every CAD tool you own. And no matter how many people in your organization are building PCB library parts, they all look like the same person created them. Elimination of duplication in the PCB Footprint, 3D Model and Schematic Symbol will soon be here.
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