Tom, I will try to explain : In PCB Footprint Expert (FPE) solder mask swell looks OK visually and in pad definition and pad name. The question is only about the Allegro scripts/export In Allegro Round Rectangle Pads are not native - so symbol shape / polygon should be defined prior to padstack definition. Since the Solder Mask is 0.05mm wider than the TOP pad ( per side ) a different second symbol shape/ polygon should be defined for the solder mask. And than the Allegro pad editor combines the two different pads/polygons into one padstack. The Script the FPE is exporting for the allegro contains no lines/code for the expanded symbol shape/polygon of the solder mask - and the solder mask shape is selected same as the TOP pad shape. Below I quote a code from the script ( PSR file - padstack script ) as you can see same shapename (cmplx-r-v10-0) is used for TOP and SOLDERMASK_TOP and PASTEMASK_TOP In case of PASTEMASK swell is defined than additional different polygon should also be built for it. # Pads setwindow Form.padedit FORM padedit layers # TOP FORM padedit grid row begin_layer FORM padedit grid change begin_layer,begin_layer TOP FORM padedit geometry Shape FORM padedit shapename cmplx-r-v10-0 # SOLDERMASK_TOP FORM padedit grid row SOLDERMASK_TOP FORM padedit geometry Shape FORM padedit shapename cmplx-r-v10-0 # PASTEMASK_TOP FORM padedit grid row PASTEMASK_TOP FORM padedit geometry Shape FORM padedit shapename cmplx-r-v10-0 pse_check pse_save pse_exit
I summarize : When using rounded rectangle pads for allegro export and solder mask or paste mask are different from the TOP pad ( for SMT pads ) - since of the swell definition. The Allegro export should create a psx file for each different polygon size. And the .psr file should combine those different shapes/rounded rectangle pads into one Allegro padstack.
I hope now it is more clear now If not I will try again
Thank you robyd