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Enhancement Request: Add PDF Printout To Output

Printed From: PCB Libraries Forum
Category: PCB Footprint Expert
Forum Name: Product Suggestions
Forum Description: request new features
Printed Date: 10 Jan 2025 at 10:54pm

Topic: Enhancement Request: Add PDF Printout To Output
Posted By: Matthew Lamkin
Subject: Enhancement Request: Add PDF Printout To Output
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 3:52am
Hello, when a component footprint is created our procedure is that someone then checks the component in the CAD package to ensure that the dimensions etc are correct - simple peer checking, catches a lot of both human and machine errors. I am sure that a lot of other company librarians and users also do this.

However without Library Expert access this is quite hard as it seems to require that either the data is then re entered into the free library expert or that assumptions or calculations are made by a checker.

Once a component has been OK'd a printout can be produced (using a PDF driver) that the checker can then refer to so that they can see what has been entered and what the dimensions should be.
This printout creation is currently a one at a time manual task in the Library Editor using a 3rd party driver.

Could a feature be integrated that allows the printout to PDF to be added to the output menu so that a CAD file + PDF are generated for each component in single and batch entry mode?

This then enables the checker to not require access to the library Expert as they can then check that what is loaded into their CAD package meets the correct sizes.

Additionally enabling the librarian to select an entire FPX library and produce either a multi page or single component PDF with all this data in for library reference would also be a great feature in that is could be used engineers who are selecting the component for use within a CAD system parts library.

Perhaps to also have an "open afterwards" tick box so that once the PDF is created it opens it in the system assigned PDF viewer so it can be confirmed as correct.

Thank you,
Matthew Lamkin

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