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IPC Standard for Footprint Naming Convention

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Topic: IPC Standard for Footprint Naming Convention
Posted By: mes mariusz
Subject: IPC Standard for Footprint Naming Convention
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2015 at 2:19pm
Does someone know if IPC-7451 standard footprint naming convention of library component name (assembly from schematic symbol and PCB decal)? 
I'm asking because in DesignSpark PCB there is only 30 characters for component name. It's a little bit (if you want to fit component properties, and manufacturer part number in the component name).
Alternatively please let me know how do you treat this topic in your libraries?
Best Regards,

Posted By: Tom H
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2015 at 3:48pm
The IPC-7351 naming convention is here -" rel="nofollow -  
Most IPC-7351 footprint names are 30 characters or less (except BGA's).
However, Library Expert allows the user to edit the footprint name.

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Posted By: mes mariusz
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2015 at 3:56pm
PCB footprint naming, OK, I know it's under IPC direction. 
But what about component naming (one PCB footprint can be used in many components).
I know it is out of Library Expert (only footprints under Library Expert) but in general - how it works?
Are there any rules for component naming? Or is it completly out of control in EDA world?

Or maybe other users could share their experiences in this topic?

Posted By: Tom H
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2015 at 4:24pm
Every company has their own unique naming convention for multiple source packages sharing the same footprint. There is no IPC standard for that or in any other standard.
You have to go through the process of vendor selection and then consider all the individual tolerances and create a custom footprint that will accommodate all the options.
Many companies assign a Corporate Part Number as the footprint name and keep a record of all approved vendors for that pattern.

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